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Health Insurance 101 for the First-Time Buyer

Health Insurance - Lakewood Ranch Advisors - Florida

Health insurance helps you carry out your medical expenses without a financial burden. Depending on the plan you choose, your health insurance can compensate for medical procedures, including surgeries, hospitalization costs, and other treatments. Since healthcare is expensive in most countries, finding a suitable insurance plan is crucial. This guide will briefly walk you through the details of health insurance to get you started.

Health Insurance Plans

Insurance companies offer different healthcare plans based on what you can afford. An insurance consultant can help you choose the best plans for your family. The company uses one of the two ways to pay for your healthcare costs. They may pay the facility (hospital, clinic, and other centers) directly for offering you treatment or make medical insurance reimbursements.

Typically, companies offer plans based on coverage levels and benefits. You may find the following plans in most health insurance companies:

  • Fee-for-Service (FFS)

  • Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)

  • Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO)

  • Point of Service (POS)

  • Consumer-Driven Health Plans (CDHP)

  • Exclusive Provider Organizations (EPO)

Each plan has its pros and cons. Seeking an insurance broker’s help can save you from making wrong choices when deciding on the best plan.

Health Insurance Costs

Medical insurance costs vary for each company. However, based on the data shared by the Congressional Budget Office, most Americans spend about $5,615 each year on health insurance plans. Please note that these costs include insurance premiums, deductibles, and other costs associated with a typical insurance plan.

Insurance Premium

Insurance premiums are the fees policyholders pay to companies to maintain their annual coverage. Depending on the company’s policies, policyholders can pay these costs monthly or annually. When seeking medical insurance (for self or group), you may ask your insurance consultant to weigh the pros and cons of each system and pick the best fit for your needs.

Other Terms to Remember

When buying an insurance plan, you may remember the following terms for an informed choice:

  • Deductibles: These are the (out-of-pocket) amounts policyholders pay before the plan begins.

  • Coinsurance: These are the costs shared by insurance providers and policyholders for partially covered services.

  • Copay: These are flat fees policyholders pay for medical services.

How to Find the Best Plans

The above details highlight the basics of health insurance. If you need an insurance plan that fits your needs effectively, Lakewood Ranch Insurance Advisors can help you. Paul Shepherd is one of the leading insurance consultants at the company to help you compare and decide on your best options. Contact the company today to get started.


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